The #1 LinkedIn Profile Mistake

The #1 Myth about LinkedIn Profiles that's hurting millions of job seekers....


🗣️ "Your Experience section should be *different* than your Resume"

Says who???

For some reason, every student + job-seeker seems to believe this is the case and the result is:

🚫 A bunch of blank Experience sections

🙈 Millions of talented professions who are invisible to recruiters

💔 Millions of perfect fits between jobs + job-seekers that never materialized

So let's set the record straight:

⚡️ The exact SAME keywords that get your resume chosen in the ATS are the exact SAME keywords that get your LinkedIn profile chosen by recruiters.

So please do me two big favors:

1️⃣ Make sure that you have your resume bullets and keywords in your LinkedIn Experience section

2️⃣ Share this post and encourage your friends to do the same!