How to Interview... From the Interviewer's Perspective!

What's the hardest part of prepping for your first big interview?

Showing up on time? ⏰

Not throwing up on your interviewers' shoes? 🤮

Nope. Something a little more subtle... ;)

Evaluating interviews is FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT than the way we typically assess students.

While so much of our education system focuses on showing up and producing the "right" answer, interviews are inherently *subjective*.

Instead of being able to show up and robotically deliver a series of "correct" answers you've memorized, you need to get a feel for another human, establish some rapport, and leave them feeling good about you.

In other words: WOAH. This ain't your typical standardized test anymore! 😬

So to help students break through their standard mental model and understand what really matters, here's a little crash course I built to help them get inside their interviewer's heads!!! ⚡️