LinkedIn made *ONE* change a few months ago that could MASSIVELY increase your odds of getting found...
👉 They bumped the number of Skills you can list from 50 -> 100.
Which means that you have 2X more "space" to work with when it comes time to listing keywords.
💥 Here's how to make the MOST of it:
1) Check your Skills section to see how many you have listed today.
2) Go to the top of your profile, click the Resources button and then Save to PDF.
3) Upload it to ChatGPT and enter this prompt: "What are the NUMBER most important keywords I'm missing for ROLE?" (e.g., "What are the 50 most important keywords I'm missing for Product Management?")
✅ Then just go back and get credit for the most important skills you HAVE - but are MISSING today.
⚡️ And please SHARE this post to help job-seekers who could use an edge in this tough market!