Do LinkedIn Profiles Matter for Job Search Success?

"I've got a great resume... Why would I ever need a LinkedIn profile???"

...Said the job-seeker right before getting REJECTED... ;)


One of the most surprising findings in the entire hiring literature is that great LinkedIn profiles NOT ONLY:

🔎 Help you GET FOUND when recruiters are actively searching for talent online...

✅ ...But also help you GET CHOSEN - even when recruiters are just reviewing resumes! 😮

🤑 ...And even lead to a HIGHER SALARY than people with weaker profiles! 🤯

As you can see in the research from ResumeGo and Harvard Business School, recruiters absolutely:

1) Check out LinkedIn profiles ✅

2) And make snap judgements about you based on what they do - or don't - find ⚖️

So bottom line: If you've got a great resume, congratulations. Now take all that goodness and get it onto LinkedIn too! ⚡️