In last week's NACE AI Bootcamp, a career coach asked me: "If I teach my students how to use AI, won't they stop coming to see me???" 😬
While that's a depressingly narrow vision of coaching (i.e., we're basically just ResumeBots!), it also misses the bigger picture of what coaching is for:
To prepare students for the FUTURE, not the PAST. ⚡️
And even a cursory look at hiring data shows that AI is not just a cool parlor trick for *getting* jobs today - it's becoming a MUST-HAVE skill for *keeping* and *winning* the next job tomorrow.
So if we care deeply about setting students up for a great life - not just a first job - we owe it to them to get them ready, starting today!
Now that's a cool trick that no mere ResumeBot could pull off... ;)